life groups
Life Groups are one way that we “do life together” at Zion Baptist Church. It’s tough to have deep relationships by merely attending a big event like a church service. That’s where life groups come in. Real relationships are built out of shared experiences: meals together, conversations, adventures, serving others together, being there for each other when a need arises, and creating memories together. As we follow Christ TOGETHER, ‘iron sharpens iron’, friendships emerge and true discipleship takes place. It is more than just a Sunday Morning thing. It is a way of life.
This means that as a group we’re actively growing in our relationship with God through worship, Bible study, and obedience. Together we are learning what it means to follow Jesus and live out his teaching.
Life groups are so much more than sitting in a circle confessing our deep, dark secrets. We need to be real and authentic with each other, but those relationships come through a life lived together. This means we take time to have fun, eat together, and share stories from our lives. Bible study is important, but so are trips to a park, weekend hikes, and barbeques.
This means tangible ways of living out and spreading Christ’s love by serving our communities and engaging with non-Christians in real friendships on a regular basis. The possibilities here are endless…from active involvement in a local school to preparing meals for someone in need, but the goal is to make service a way of life.
As in nature, anything living is either growing or dying. Therefore, it is important that our life groups continue growing by reproducing. We can do this by always being open to new people. This is a life characterized by hospitality: we care for the people we are with and constantly welcome others. It isn’t a forced thing, and there are no time lines or systems here. For, as we’re living life together, we’ll naturally want to invite others along on our journey. This also means that at some points along the way, we’ll be led to release people out from our group to start new groups and continue the process of growing.
Preschool Lifegroup Director - Shelley Chermaine
(Temporarily moved into the Family Life Center)
Room R101: Babies, One year olds & Two year olds
(Birthdate after 6/1/2020 & between 6/1/2019 & 5/31/2020)
Teachers - Mandi Brandenburg & Tim Inscho
Room R103: Three and Four year olds
(Birthdate between 6/1/2017 & 5/31/2019)
Teachers - Kathleen Odom & Sue Hoover
Children's Lifegroup Director - Gail Bemis
Family Life Center
Room R109: Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Teachers - Kim Inscho & Bernice Brown
Room R108: 2nd & 3rd Grade
Teachers - Dian Morgan & Yvonne Ragan
Room R214: 4th & 5th Grade
Teachers - Amanda Osborne & Haley Johnson
Student Lifegroup Directors - Tim and April McNarry
Education Building
3rd Floor: Middle & High School Boys
Teacher - Tim McNarry
3rd Floor: Middle School Girls
Teacher - Patti Symons
3rd Floor: High School Girls
Teacher - April McNarry
Adult LifeGroup Coordinator - Ron Bolen
Family Life Center
R205: Couples for Christ, Co-Ed (20s-50s)
Teacher - Bobbie Mitchell
R208: Agape, Co-Ed (Couples 50s - 70s)
Teacher - Rev. Frank Daws
R202: Dependaples, Men
Teachers - Hershel Lynch & Gene Wilson
R200: Explorers, Co-Ed
Teacher - Ron Bolen
R213: PALs, Co-Ed
Teacher - Don Turner
R204: The Vine (Spanish Speaking), Co-Ed
Teacher - Pastor Felipe Sanmaniego
R201: Adult 1 Ladies Class, Ladies
Teacher - Theresa Beaucher
R110: Fisherman's Class, Men
Teacher - Chris McAdams
Education Building
C210: Disciples, Singles, Co-Ed (50+)
Teacher - Ronny Juhan
B104: Faithful Caregivers, Ladies (70+)
Teachers - Donna Bowles & Carol Dinn
C120: Outreachers, Co-Ed
Teacher- Cecil Dinn
B106: Sunshine, Ladies (50+)
Teacher - Ruth Walker
C314: Purpose, Ages 18-34
Teacher - Philip & Ashley Arnold
B102: Emmanuel Co-Ed (70+)
Teacher - George Waddy